This incorporates an attempt to follow up any kind of musical allusion in the play texts and stage directions which relate to dance and other …
This incorporates an attempt to follow up any kind of musical allusion in the play texts and stage directions which relate to dance and other …
Abbreviation used for each play – with number of suggested potential musical interjections All’s well that ends well (AW-6) Antony and Cleopatra (A&C-8) As You …
Toto je spomienka na tichého velikána z Poľska, ktorý celý život spracovával hry Williama Shakespeara, podrobne skúmal hudbu a hudobné nástroje v nich a vytvoril …
At least half this play is the work of John Fletcher and has not until recently been considered as part of the Shakespeare canon (Stanley …
(CM176: 27 cues) MM178-182 Suggestions for music discussed including ‘Aeirs in 5 parts’ by HOLBORNE. MM182: minimum 7 players: 2-3 bowed strings and one plucked; …
SETTINGS FOR SHAKESPEARE PLAYS IN MUSIC OF HIS TIME incorporating passages which relate to music and dancing * Indicates that this word will be found …